A Night To Remember
By satanbetterloveme
  • Romance
  • action
  • fakedate
  • grumpysunshine
  • hateandlove
  • mafiaromance
  • onenightstand
  • player
  • romance
  • salvatore


A businessman with the world at his fingertips and a body built to fuck. Elliot Salvatore was every women's favorite heartbreak. Not only had he got it all but he knew it too. Except her. Azrael Carmen hated all men and they hated to want her. Cold bitch was her middle name and whispers on the street was to beware of said bitch, she drank the blood of her enemies. People in the business world disliked her. So what? She thrived on their hatred. Until, it became a fucking problem. Investors started pulling out. Business was crumbling apart. Her father watching the whole thing with perfect view from his million dollar yacht. Seeing him again was the fucking cherry on top. He had a perfect solution to her problem. Fake date him. Everyone loved him. Strolling around London on his arm was basically the golden ticket to the top of the world. All she had to do was try not to stab the man in the throat with her heels. • book four of the Salvatore's series can read as a stand-alone (best to read book 3 first) • all images in the book don't belong to me, credit to the rightful owners • cover by @myyyraaa_


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A Night T...
by satanbetterloveme