The Bug Player
By iamoneofthesons
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • game


Ino was living a simple life when the Great Change happens. People call it raptures, Judgement day and other end of the world terms. But one thing is certain, people went missing randomly. Ino's family was one of them. He was left alone and don't know what to do. The world after that establish a new world government called the One world Government. Those who were left after the Great change received different gifts and powers. The world become a supernatural world. Now each country represent a great guild which governs different guilds under it. In this world people somehow need to level up to live a convenient life, ranks became a necessity. And that's where Ino's struggle begins. For he alone can't join a guild or a party. The world system rejects him and label him as error. Can Ino survive the world where weaks die and strongs become kings?

One man Guild

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The Bug P...
by iamoneofthesons