Big Elbow - Complete
By JJ_Ames
  • Action
  • action
  • forcedworkers
  • inhermind
  • jordan
  • ragingbull
  • returntobigelbow
  • suspense
  • unlikelyassasin


"We are the users and abusers of humans for our own advancement. We will look back on our history in disgust." The Unlikely Assassin There are sweat shops around the world where people are forced to work in incredibly difficult conditions. Most of us only hear about it when companies are called out and publicly humiliated. Or maybe a worker is able to send out a message inside a product they have produced. Unless a person goes out of their way to find out why the products they just purchased were so inexpensive then the people working in forced labor conditions will continue suffer. Profits will be made and a life of involuntary servitude will be a trap that few escape. This happens everywhere in the world, but is most prevalent in Asia where almost 12 million souls are enslaved. Just knowing there are so many trapped workers drives the group known as the People to research and liberate as many caught in the net of the human traffickers. Once it is determined forced labor is used, pressure is placed on the buyers of the merchandise to sever ties or be called out as users of humans. When that is not enough, the Asia Pacific team of the People begin scouting missions to the remote factories involved. Typically the Owners of these sweat shops begin with one factory and when profits are great they open more factories close by. The rule is harsh. Food, clothing and housing are extremely expensive for the workers and living conditions are brutal. The team pull together surveillance photos from a distance and video from strategic go pro cameras to make its case. When law enforcement and governments do not heed the warning the People respond quickly and decisively. This is the fifth story of six in my Summertime Novella Series. Please enjoy the completed Big Elbow! JJ

Introduction - Indonesia

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Big Elbow...
by JJ_Ames