The Purple Daughter
By Athena94
  • Romance
  • goddess
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • redbird
  • vampyers
  • zoey


My name is Electra Jayne Stark, I'm 18 and daughter to the famous High Priestess, Zoey Redbird. I know, she's a Vampyre and they can't have children, but I was a gift to my mother and father after all they went through during the Dark war. I am one of the only ever born Vampyres; they are five of us and we are currently studying at the Skye House of Night. The five of us are all very unique; you see the Goddess gifted us with three affinities; one Element; one weapon and one specialty. So yeah the five of us; Alexis; Megan; Ethan; Jaden and myself; we grew up together and formed our circle as we gained our gifts. We were gifted with our Elements at nine; our special affinity at 12 and finally our weapons at 16. When we were gifted with our weapon affinity it was a sigh that it was time for us to enter the House of Night. So i've been here two years now, I'm the leader of the Dark Daughters; I've been dating Ethan a year and I have one of the most powerful circles since my mother's.

Chapter One - Fighting Again

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The Purpl...
by Athena94