Was It A Lie?
By _RoyaleWithCheese_
  • Teen Fiction


Beneath the stars, is you. Tiny compared to that. But you're happy. At least, you look like it. Easy to fool yourself. You're enjoying this moment though, because everyone is kind, gentle and sweet to you, and you know in reality, that they actually don't give two shits about you, but you're filling a void, aren't you? Trying to feel like you're loved, and you matter, and that you deserve happiness and attention, but you KNOW you don't. And you don't care about those good moments, because everyday, you're dying slowly inside and physically. You see others being there for certain people, and they care, and you wonder why you get none of that. But then you realize who you are, and no one will ever bother to remember you. You're unlovable. Worse yet, you're forgettable.....

To Kill

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Was It A...
by _RoyaleWithCheese_