Bite Me
By Mandi473828
  • Action
  • fear
  • girlpower
  • love
  • romance
  • zombieapocalypse


Carter POV: Two years! Two years I have survived in this zombie run world that I live in. Two years of running, crying, and losing those close to me. Two years of lost hope that just never came back and now it's all over. Are you kidding me?! I will not die because of some stupid zombie that led me into a corner. Dammit, what can I do to get out of this? There has to be a way to distract him long enough for me to getaway. Even if I do distract him, though I hear more coming, my leg has decided to be stupid and stop working properly... What if I bite him? It's really crazy and it will taste awful, but it could wor-. What am I saying?! I can't bite a fucking zombie, that's just so wrong. Dammit, I need to stop thinking and get a move on. Come on, come on, think! He has me trapped in the corner of an alley-way, I can't even flip him because there is no room. I can't push past him because my leg is probably broken so he will definitely catch up with me. Fuck, I can't think of any way to get out of this. Shit, he's getting closer. Gotta do something, come on, move! Dammit! Could I surprise it? How the fuck do you surprise a zombie?! It's stupid but I'm back to the bitting idea. It might surprise it enough to let me getaway. Well, guess I'm going in for the bite! Wish me luck! *This story will most likely not be updated regularly, I have been writing this for years and I will, when time allows, try and continue writing it.*

Chapter 1

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Bite Me
by Mandi473828