Jack 2k14
By ThatJackGGirl
  • Fanfiction
  • digitour
  • gilinsky
  • jack
  • jackandjack
  • jackgilinsky
  • jackgilinskyfanfiction
  • jackgilinskyimagine
  • love
  • magcon


This is the first fanfiction that I've ever written, but I thought I would give it a shot because some of the fan fictions that I've read are kind of ridiculous and fast pace, so if you're like me and want a fanfiction that's a little more realistic than I really hope you like it. The first few chapters are a bit slow, but I promise it'll get juicier. It gets good by part six I promise! A dream and a trip to Atlanta, leads to something that you could only imagine. You're 19, and about to start your second year of college. You have been a fan of Jack and Jack since basically the beginning, but you were never one of those fangirls, you thought they were silly, but then one thing lead to another and the rest is history.

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Jack 2k14
by ThatJackGGirl