The Captive Titan [...
By EnticingElite
  • Romance
  • celticmythology
  • delayedptsd
  • gettingbacktogether
  • gods
  • greekgodsandgoddesses
  • greekmythology
  • imprisonment
  • isolation
  • learnedhelplessness
  • loneliness
  • magic
  • manxman
  • norsemythology
  • ptsd
  • self-destructive
  • sequel
  • slavicmythology
  • slightlyslowburn
  • slowburn
  • titans


~Isolation breeds desperation~ Though the gods of the Greek pantheon gained their freedom months ago from a magical lockdown, a vow has kept their interactions with the other pantheons civil. Still, while calling a temporary ceasefire in a war is a great way for both sides to regroup and gather their strength, one must not forget that it is still only temporary. And as the promised year of tentative peace is nearing its end, the Greek pantheon is eager to begin the war again. After centuries spent imprisoned by Zeus, it had taken a lot of courage for Ainmire to willingly return to his prison after less than a year of freedom, but the resulting half a decade of torture was worth it to see the prison built for Atlas that became Ainmire's chains destroyed at long last. And now Ainmire is free...only, he is not entirely sure what that means for him or if he is even ready to be free at all. After all, with freedom comes choices, and with choices come mistakes. So, no, he is not sure he really wants to be free. However, since the choice was taken from him, then he might as well make the best of it and finish the plan he made so long ago that set him on the path he's on today. Until then, everything else can wait. ~just as everything that glitters is not gold.~


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The Capti...
by EnticingElite