Chasing The Bad Boy
By MikaelaGirton
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboys
  • friends
  • love
  • nerds
  • romance


"Hey you need help?" Uh oh. That voice sounded familiar. To familiar for my liking. I looked up, only to see the schools bad boy, Jason Trucker. "Uhmm.. No I'm good. Thanks." I managed to mutter. "Well, I have a question, Kayla." Wait! He knew my name?! OMG! Okay keep cool , "Y-You may a-ask.." I stuttered . Wow way to keep your cool. "What'd you get for #27 on your homework?" Right.. My homework .. I held up the miserable piece of paper that had been trampled on by many students in the hall. "Sorry..." I muttered. I ran down the hall... Literally... I ran away from him.. I heard footsteps behind me. No. He wouldn't. "Hey! Wait up!" Wait, that wasn't Jason's sexy, deep voice.. That was.. "You ready for class?" To my suprise , it was my best friend Sam. "Yeah.. Sorry.." I mumbled . While we left for class, I kept scanning for Jason. What was I thinking? There's no way the bad boy would ever chase after me...


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Chasing T...
by MikaelaGirton