Ahsoka, Daughter of...
By Dare_Tano
  • Fanfiction
  • ahsoka
  • ahsokatano
  • luxbonteri
  • luxsoka
  • starwars
  • starwarsfanfiction
  • starwarstheclonewars


Book four of Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light. In the midst of the rise of the Galactic Empire, Jedi Grand Master Ahsoka Tano has taken a group of Jedi survivors into hiding in the Unknown Regions, and was unanimously chosen as their leader. Following this, she took a daring mission to Onderon to free Saw Gerrera from Imperial captivity. During this mission, she encountered Barriss Offee, an old friend of hers who had become an Imperial Inquisitor known as First Sister. Then, following these events, learned that her newlywed husband Lux Bonteri was force-sensitive himself. Now, Ahsoka and her New Jedi Order are tasked with sustaining themselves under the nose of the Galactic Empire. But will they succeed, or get caught by the Imperials? Title art is not mine.

Chapter 1: One of Those Days

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Ahsoka, D...
by Dare_Tano