Change my mind
By tessscholte_
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • cancer
  • changemymind
  • emotional
  • harry
  • love
  • navia
  • oppisitesattract
  • richkid
  • teens


CHANGE MY MIND Navia has moved across the country countless times. She's been everywhere and every time it was just her and her mom. She lets no one else in and only shows those high walls. She intends to do that same thing when she meets him but form the beginning he's different. He seems the same but she can't shake that feeling of change. Harry is a rich boy that has always had it all. He lives in a big house with a big room and a big number in his bank account. But though everything seems fine he is at what feels like the end of his life. His dad is on his death bed and it seems like Harry's soul is with him. But then he meets Navia and though he first sees her as one of the rest, there is something different. Maybe it's her smile that she uses to hide things but fails when it comes to him. or maybe it the circumstances. Whatever it is, it's something can't ignore. //// "why'd you do that?" he asks referring to that little mishap that happened this morning. "I always help people in need." I lie. I don't always help people in need, especially people like him. But something inside my told me to do it anyway. It was like my body was taken over by this voice that helped him and I was just letting it happen. "okay." He sounds unsure, like he's doubting my lie. That can't be though, I'm an incredible liar, no one has every doubted my lies. //// WARNING This story contains cussing, extreme scenes and situations that may trigger some things, explicit scenes and also a lot of hard work so if you see some mistakes, please tell me.


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Change my...
by tessscholte_