Him ( An Edward Cul...
By mommygirl300
  • Fantasy
  • alicecullen
  • bellacullen
  • carlisle
  • cullen
  • edwardcullen
  • emmettcullen
  • esmecullen
  • fantasy
  • immortal
  • jacobblack
  • jaspercullen
  • rosalie
  • twilight
  • vampire
  • wolf


No Bella don't it's very-" she cuts her finger on my kagune. She looks down at her finger then back up at me. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. My eye turns black again and my breathing starts to get harder by the second. Don't lose control. " Bella go inside now. Danny calm down." I fall down with my hands in my head. I start screaming. The urge is so painful. I can't hold it anymore. I need it. I stand up ready to jump toward Bella who is standing right in front of the glass smirking at me. She didn't even go inside. I stand up and crack my finger. " I'm just so hungry.... ya know?" My smile is stretch to the point I look a little crazy. Emmet comes and I whip him away somewhere with my kagune. Jasper comes and grabs my arms and I use my legs instead to kick him. I jump towards Bella who is smirking at me like she's not about to die. I go to bite down when someone appears in front of me with their arm out. Edward. I bite down hard and see him throw his head back as he moans. He tried to stifle it but it doesn't work very well. He bite his finger as he watches my kagune dissipate and my teeth let go. " I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose control. I told her it was sharp I'm so sorry." He pats my head and smiles. " Don't worry about it. It's not like it hurts. It feels quite good. It's almost addicting." Carlisle walks over and looks at Edwards arm. I-it's... already healed. " I think we found a way to cure her thirst. It doesn't seems to harm you and it makes her thirst go away. Everyday, Once a day...... you need to bite Edward."

The Intro

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Him ( An...
by mommygirl300