Sane Love (Bruce Wa...
By Animegodess123
  • Fanfiction
  • boy
  • bruce
  • girl
  • jeremiah
  • jerome
  • jimgordon
  • love
  • sister
  • valeska
  • wayne


(Y/n) Valeska is the sister of Jeremiah and Jerome, though they treated her as their biological one. (Y/n)'s mother is Lila Valeska while her father is unknown, probably just some clown she fucked. While the Valeska's travelled with the circus, (Y/n) was apart of the trapeze act. She liked the feeling of being far away from everyone, in her own world as she flew through the air. Over the years of relentless torture from Lila (Y/n) and Jeremiah noticed Jerome's attitude changing, becoming more sadistic. However she still loved him dearly, he was her brother after all. However one night, their uncle came and took her and Jeremiah,saying it was for the best. She didn't see Jerome after that. Though her and Jeremiah both were given new identities, able to study at St. Ingatius as Xander and Hayley Wilder. School life for Jeremiah was fairly uneventful, he tended to keep to himself mostly. However poor (Y/n) was the prey of the schools "it" group, constantly abusing her both physically and mentally. Until one day she snapped, killing them. After that she was locked up in the looney bin known as Arkham, although being completely sane. As such (Y/n) was still allowed to study while in Arkham, Jeremiah often stopping by to help and visit, though still hiding his identity to stop Jerome finding them. Not that she cared if he did, she missed him. After two long years of being in Arkham she was given her "sane" certificate, meaning she was free to leave that shit hole. While being trapped in that dump she had lots of time to ponder, deciding she wanted to join the GCPD. Which after lots of trying and persistence they let her in, being taken under the wing of Jim Gordon. One day she was driving with Jim when they had to make a pit stop, at a very very fancy manor. Wayne Manor. What happens when you meet Bruce? --------------------- I don't own anything except for parts of the plot, (Y/n) and other OC's. *Cover art by myself - Commissions available*

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Sane Love...
by Animegodess123