The Curse, the Magi...
By Dancing_Druid
  • Fantasy
  • blizzard
  • blizzardentertainment
  • bloodelf
  • elf
  • forsaken
  • lich
  • lichking
  • mage
  • magic
  • magisterumbric
  • rendorei
  • sindorei
  • umbric
  • undead
  • void
  • voidelf
  • worldofwarcraft
  • wow
  • wrathofthelichking


With Azeroth being tormented by the Lich King and his army of Undeath, Nightingale believes keeping his Ren'dorei safeguarded within Telogrus will leave them without conflicts from the other world. An ancient, mysterious tether from a realm beyond has other thoughts. Without an inkling of what is connected to his blades and befouling his soul, Nightingale sets off with Magister Umbric on an adventure to see to this curse that has reached him through worlds, and how to stop it. ***Disclaimer-- The storyline, location, and creations are rightfully owned by Blizzard Entertainment in the World of Warcraft universe. Some of the individuals belong to the company as well, and others are my original characters. I do not own any of the artwork. Enjoy :D!

The Saga of Nightingale the Nightstalker

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The Curse...
by Dancing_Druid