Her Mother
  • Romance
  • badrelationship
  • fakelove
  • forcedpregnancy
  • golddigger
  • obsessedboyfriend
  • richboypoorgirl
  • teenpregnancy
  • theybothtoxicashell


"To my darling daughter, Aoife~" Her mother... "Life is cruel, sweet girl, that is a lesson you will have to learn very quickly~" Is what I can only describe as unmotivated, and stuck in a castle fill with woes. "I'm afraid I have made a terrible error, one that has effected her greatly putting you in a negative light~" Her situation is one due for many notable sympathies. "But it is an error I cannot bring myself to regret~" Nonetheless she is no mother, I don't think she intends to be either. "I know it won't be easy for you to understand. Not being able to have what is right in front of you~" She is not violent or abusive, no, but she is not caring and nurturing either, they simply live in the same house. "Your mother can be cold~" The woman has a skill for evading the child, going at great lengths to avoid her at all costs. "I have made her unhappy~" The complicated situation did not call for a child, like throwing a wretch into a dysfunctional train wreck on the brink of combustion. "I pray that if things never change that you will find peace in the way things are~" But they have one now. And now they are unfortunately stuck together. "perhaps things will change and you will never have to read these letters~" Her mental state does not seem to be improving, and warming up to the poor girl does not seem possible. "But if you find pain, doubt, or loneliness~" I think the bound between those two ended once the umbilical cord was cut. "please know~" Perhaps even upon conception. "I am truly sorry~" It is simply as sad story.

Dear Daughter

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Her Mother