A christmas miracle...
By Nefertiti97
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Some people say that chances don't happen aways and that there isn't any christmas miracle but i'm here to tell you that there is a christmas miracle i should know because it happened to me. I'm now working as a hairdresser with a band but taht didn't happen on it's own. Let me tell you my background. See I was born to a loving family but when I was seventeen I lost my entire family in a car accident and struggled to make it. I met a guy who i thought was my knight in shining but i was wrong, when i was eighteen i got pregnant and my boyfriend left me because he didn't want a daughter and i was alone. I lived on the streets my whole pregnancy and I gave birth in an abandoned building with some friends I met on the streets. Shortly after that I took to living in a car with my young daughter when she was two years old. I moved to Nashville Tennessee and started looking for a job but came up short, one day on the street singing changed everything for me and my daughter. My name is Karly johnson and this is my story on how I got a chance to perform for two thousand fans.

karly jade johnson

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A christm...
by Nefertiti97