𝙸 π™Όπš’πš?...
By savythepro
  • Romance
  • 24hours
  • adventure
  • aesthetic
  • asain
  • boyxgirl
  • chicago
  • city
  • dreams
  • fivestar
  • friendship
  • friendswithbenefits
  • fun
  • girlxboy
  • goodbyes
  • hardgoodbye
  • illness
  • lastday
  • love
  • lovestory
  • onestory
  • relationship
  • romance
  • ship
  • shortstory
  • songs


I try not to stare most of the time, but for some reason, tonight, I just couldn't look away. I've seen many pretty girls before in so many different places; Including the light rail, but for some reason tonight, she was just so much lovelier than any other girl I've ever seen. Why am I even getting worked up over her anyways? It's not like I'll ever see her again. Well, that's a perfect excuse to keep looking! I'll never see her again, so why does it matter if I continue to look. Well then, that settles it. I'll continue to look... He was right. Normally, when I see a cute girl, I'm like eh, but because she's just so pretty, and also because I don't have much time left, I might as well. "I mean, come on dude, You might as well." What a perfect sign. I just said it, and now he just said it. Definitely means I gotta do it. I wanted to text him back to let him know I was going to. Even though he probably thinks ill chicken out at the last second. "Your right. I might as well." SHORT LOVE STORY FINISHED NOT OWNER OF COVER PHOTOS GIVE FEEDBACK IN COMMENTS (POSITIVE CRITICISM OF COURSE)


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by savythepro