Tame The Caged Beast
By kgirl0822
  • Fantasy
  • beasts
  • hounds
  • hunters
  • monster
  • monsterhunters
  • orphaned


Their black fur helped them hide in the darkness. Their orange eyes mocked me as they watched from the shadows. They hide now but I advise you that these "Hounds" are merciless creatures. They rip and eat the bodies of poor humans. They are why we live in this wall. We are too afraid now to look beyond those walls. But I will fight. I am willing to fight and put my life on the line so that humanity can reign once more. So no longer must we hide and cower like cattle. But when I fight something in me awakens. A fire. A flickering flame. Power that is unimaginable for any human. Strength that breaks stone. Speed that puts the fastest hunter to shame. A healing ability anyone would yearn for. There is something happening to me and I don't know what. The Hunters want their hands on me. To use and wonder. Why do I turn into the thing I hate most? Why do I have the same eyes and claws as the beast who killed my family?

The Beast is my Beauty:Character List

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Tame The...
by kgirl0822