Lure of the Monster
By HarmonysLoveHP
  • Romance
  • addiction
  • aids
  • alcohol
  • bisexual
  • boyfriend
  • boyxboy
  • boyxgirl
  • depressed
  • depression
  • drama
  • drugs
  • family
  • gay
  • heroin
  • lgbt
  • loss
  • new
  • newadult
  • opiates
  • opioids
  • romance
  • std
  • suicide
  • trauma


Beckham Stanton had it all. A star athlete on the baseball and football field. An honors student. Two seemingly great parents. Supportive best friends. Then, he lost it all. After an incident that caused Beckham to lose both of his parents, he falls into a downward spiral of suicide, alcohol, and drug addiction. He is forced to try to reconcile with the events that led him down this dark path and his way of self-medicating when therapy doesn't work. A stranger on a bus becomes a person who saves his life. His best friend becomes the person who destroys his life. His boyfriend becomes a risk. Everyone in his life becomes changed by Beckham's behavior. His life becomes one obsessed with finding that next high. Beckham's journey leads him to a shocking awakening that forces him to find what is truly important in his life. Drugs or living?

Dark Place

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Lure of t...
by HarmonysLoveHP