Chrollo x reader bl...
By Obicat3
  • Romance
  • chrollo
  • chrolloxreader
  • gon
  • killua
  • kirapika
  • love
  • machi
  • pakunoda
  • phantom
  • troop


So basically on a mission chrollo finds you and takes an interest in you and your nen so you run away with him from what's left for your faimly and join the troop but during your adventure's with the troop you may find more than just a home but....... a lover? This is a chrollo x reader story thair will be swearing just so you know also before you read this book the updates will be VERY slow but I hope it will turn out to be a sweet cute fluffy story (any age can read thair will not be any lemons limes smut or anything of the sort) ⚠️ thair will be swearing and thair MITE (not sure) be gore ⚠️. in my world proper grammar does not exist!

Take me with you

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Chrollo x...
by Obicat3