Story of Calamity
By Buboniccreations
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • folf
  • foxwolf
  • thematic
  • thematicelements
  • wolf
  • wolfpack
  • wolves


"A storm is coming..." Alpha muttered quietly. "Best get Rain and the elders into their dens before things get worse." "How long 'till she's due?" Hex said quietly before scratching her ear with her hind paw. "Aye," he said, taking a moment to think. "I think another lap of the Moon Wolf er' so." "Alpha?" The quiet and blind Healer wolf said, leaping onto the rock above Greyriver, or Alpha's den. "Aye, Lunar? Everything alright?" "I've seen something." Her sightless eyes stared just past Alpha's shoulder. "Something's coming." Hex blinked, then curled her lip. "Cut the cryptic dung. What's coming?" Lunar changed her line of 'sight' to her paws. "My spirit guides wouldn't give me an exact answer. All I know is this;" Her gaze changed once again. Straight into Alpha's eyes, almost as though she could see into his soul. "A storm is coming. But it will not come in the form of weather. She will appear in the form of a hybrid, more powerful than anyone anticipates. She will bring death, but she will also bring salvation."


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by Buboniccreations