Loop Away (OT8 ATEE...
By gatasuyu
  • Fanfiction
  • ateez
  • atiny
  • atzverse
  • storyline
  • 에이티니
  • 에이티즈


A meeting and separating of the fool, the one tricked by the present, the moon-blinded, the actionless, the lost, the in-denial who wanted to create memories, the one who wanted to be together with everyone, and the freed soul. Always starting anew, all over. - . + . - A/N: From the prompts given by ATEEZ' diary film illustrated teaser photos, I've come up with my own storyline which the members' characters here are infused with a part of me. I refused only being able to submit 5 chapters to KQ (tempted to publish even if unfinished just with the thought of maybe annoying the staff with a cliffhanger), and to let go when I've invested my personal experiences into this, so here it is, on Wattpad ㅎㅎ There may be oddly dramatic lines in there, but know that I took what I typed along the years word by word as I didn't want to lose the pure... emotional essence. Dkdkd idk I made it work somehow, so enjoy, fellow Atinys! w r i t t e n o n : 2020. 07. 08 - 2020. 07. 22 p u b l i s h e d o n : 2020. 07. 23 - 2020. 08. 10


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Loop Away...
by gatasuyu