Never Forget (or so...
By corlussy
  • Romance
  • fluff
  • gay
  • imnotnormal
  • smutwarning


DISCONTINUED (sorry. I was really into it at first... but now I just feel like I'm forcing myself to write when I don't want to. I'm not a writer, I'm just a bored high school kid. Thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed what I wrote though, it really means a lot.) So there's this adopted 16 year old gay stereotypical Hispanic kid named Triston, his adopted family sucks ass except for his older adopted brother Jake. (from state farm. jk. sorry) Jake's a cool dude. Anyway, so like, a new kid comes to school, he's like hot and shit and everyone loves him. (cause he's hot and shit) His name's Brandon he's 17. He's nice to everyone but like doesn't really date or flirt or whatever. (not even with Triston's hot and popular bitchy "sister"! *dramatic gasp*) Triston doesn't think Brandon's gay, but he might be? idk? So, I'll get to the point now, Triston and Brandon have all they're classes together and coincidentally ("coincidence") end up sitting next to each other in all of them so they like bond or whatever. Will this spring up romance?? (Fuck it, we all know it will, or else why did I even bother to write this gay shit? they fall in love happily ever after. the end. yay!)

Introduction or something

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Never For...
by corlussy