My Dear Laurens (La...
By youmayhaveheardofme3
  • Fanfiction
  • americanrevolution
  • angstwithhappyending
  • bisexual
  • burr
  • desire
  • fluff
  • friendstolovers
  • gay
  • hamilton
  • historical
  • jefferson
  • lafayette
  • lams
  • laurens
  • lgbt
  • love
  • madison
  • mulligan
  • musical
  • rhyme
  • schuyler
  • slowburn
  • spy
  • temptation
  • war


Alexander knows he loves Laurens. He also knows that he is straight and only has a platonic relationship with Laurens. He does not think about the taste of Laurens' lips, the soft curls of his hair framing his honey-drop freckles, the curve and snap of the muscles under his skin, or the region under his breeches he wouldn't dare say even under the cover of his thoughts. He loves John Laurens, but not like that, ya know? I mean, come on, there's no way he's gay in a time where that could get you killed, where he's a public political figure, where he's a proud American soldier, where he could die any second (thanks to the time period and his mouth), or where he's married to Elizabeth Schuyler. So, shut up, okay. It's not gonna happen. Ever. In conclusion, go to hell. . . . Follows the musical like a timeline. Basically, how I imagine Lams would have been able to occur during the OG time period.

A. Hamilton

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My Dear L...
by youmayhaveheardofme3