What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word badass? Scary and intimidating people? Rulebreakers? Ones you should stay away from? You're right. That's Britney Gail, yes, a girl. I guess you can call her a badass or a badgirl for getting kicked out of several schools because of her bad behavior. Not just that, she sleeps around, she bullies and fights people, making stupid pranks, and crashes parties. "I really don't care about how i look" "This is the kind of reaction i don't want to see.. I don't want their pity." Getting sick of her behavior, her parents made her go to a delinquent camp in Florida. In this camp, she would meet lots of people and experience things that she thought that was impossible. And that impossible thing for her is to fall in love, will she give up her player ways and try to fall in love again? Everything will confuse her because there will be boy number 1 and boy number 2 or maybe more?? Read more to find out what happens!!
Chapter 1: I'm Britney, bitch