The True Heir
By Tay_Rain
  • Fantasy
  • council
  • dreams
  • fairys
  • fierce
  • love
  • mythical-creatures
  • power
  • powers
  • romance
  • secret-world
  • supernatural
  • werewolves


Have you ever wondered why the United States government has so many national forests and national parks in so many remote places? What if it was a cover up for what really lies beyond these National lands. Don't say I didn't warn you. Kyra Alarick lived what she thought was a normal life. Living with her pap and gran on the edge of a national forest in Washington, hours from the nearest town was what she considered to be normal. That was until she turned 17. Now she has strange dreams about a black wolf with piercing blue eyes that seems to know her better than she knows herself and strange new healing powers. Her parents died at a young age in a car crash, never to really be talked about amongst her grandparents. As the strange dreams get more and more vivid and the secrets about her true past get dug up, can she finally start to understand her true self and the connection she has to the beautiful black wolf with the blue eyes in the forest by her house? Or will the hunters that have been after her since she was born finally get ahold of her? After all they are after the True Heir. This book will include magic and mystery, along with romance and action. You will see a lot of supernatural and mythical creatures in this book including werewolves and the fae. So please stick around and uncover the truth about the world in which we live.

Welcome! Prologue

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The True...
by Tay_Rain