The Man With A Whit...
By Owzytheus
  • Fantasy
  • action-adventure
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • historical
  • mystery
  • romance


In the village of Massha, there's a story existing for over 300 years. In the forest of Viski the forbidden place, people in Massha Village believe that the legendary Man with a white robe living in the forbidden forest. They believed that this man has the power given by nature, and he's the reason why the Massha Village is prosperous at nature crops. Until one day, a rumor spread in the village that there's a hidden treasure inside the forest. Later on, some people become interested and make a plan to go to the forest to find the hidden treasure, but Mordecai Knight the monarch founder will stop the dark plans of treasure hunters and because of this, a secret group will exist under Zaptus Crapter; the Fleur Alliance. To protect the forbidden forest, Mordecai created a law that will ban people to go there. He established the Emblem Alliance to lead the village and punish the violators. Unfortunately, Janna Kingdom accidentally found a secret passageway that will bring her to the forbidden forest. What will she discover? Does the story is just a myth or true? Let's follow Janna Adventure to the Viski the forbidden forest. 📌Credits to the rightful owner of the photo above.

Writer's Note [ A friendly Reminder]

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The Man W...
by Owzytheus