Black rose
By Bulliekiller1010
  • Fanfiction
  • avengers
  • hawkeye
  • horror
  • ironman
  • loki
  • superheroes
  • thor


18 years after Loki is captured, he is some how set free and is now wrecking havoic on earth. The advengers are called in once again to deafeat and get rid of him once and for all. Athena Stark, Tony starks daughter wants to be like her father. She tryies everything to prove to him that she is worthy of joining the advengers. But tony doesn't think she is ready yet. Tony must leave two weeks before her 17th birthday to stop Loki. Athena is heart broken and runs away to prove that she is strong and worthy. She goes in search to deafeat Loki to prove herself. She eventually is found by her father and is accepted into the avengers! But when Loki breaks in the avengers ship to steal data, the only thing that is stolen is his heart. Athena captures Loki and fury locks him up in an escape prof cage. And guess who has to take care of him? Athena. Since it is her punishment for hurting Loki, she must be his personal babysitter. Loki is not the only boy that has fallen head over heels for Athena, she is attracting attention from Clint(hawkeye). Athena has no idea till Loki confesses if his love for her, and so does Clint. With a love triangle formed and a huge battle against the ones she loves, Athena must chose whether to follow Loki and destroy earth or help her father and break Loki's fragile heart for good?


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Black rose
by Bulliekiller1010