Berserker Skies
By EllieHofferson
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • berserkercay
  • dragons
  • elliehofferson
  • howtotrainrescueriders
  • httydau
  • nextgenhttyd
  • nightlights
  • ocs
  • rescueriderscrossover
  • swiftfury
  • zephyrhaddock


Zephyr Haddock is the bonded rider to a female NightLight and is attending her first year in dragon training. She has her best friends at her side and as bonded riders as well; dragon training becomes a challenge. Especially when a Berserker joins dragon training with the rarest dragon, her friends are if anything jealous. Except her. She knows that Berserker is insane, hell, he's a born Berserker and from what she heard; Chief Dagur's nephew and heir. So what makes this Berserker so intriguing when he's apart of a prophecy? SNEAK PEEK "Sorry! Ruffnut's visiting Atali so I had to bring Alvi with me." Fishlegs says quickly. "What do you need, Hiccup?" "Think you're up for a trip to Berserker Cay?" Hiccup asks his friend. "Heather and her husband want their son to attend dragon training here." "Cool! A Berserker coming to Berk!" Alvi shouts. "Daddy, can Zephyr and I come?!" HOW TO TRAIN RESCUE RIDERS > THE LIGHT NADDER QUEEN BOOK TWO STARTED > 12 - 19 -21 COMPLETED > ???

Chapter 1 - A Swifter Rider [Part One]

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by EllieHofferson