They call me troubl...
By Bubblereader33
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • chicklit
  • highshooldrama
  • prankster
  • teenfiction


"you bitch" I stood up smiling at her. "Thank you" she looked so confused,I sighed. "A bitch is a female dog" "And dogs barks" "Bark grows from trees" "And trees are part of nature" "And nature is beautiful" "so thanks for calling me beautiful" she still look confused,I sighed again. "I knew you were dumb but seriously,I never thought you were this slow"I said as the whole cafeteria burst out in laughter and Snickers.she scowled i think everything finally clicked on that pea size brain of hers.she scoffed and walked away with her minions following her like lost puppies... Meet the ultimate time trouble Maker, keila knight she is sarcastic,fiesty and a prankster and it seems wherever she goes trouble follows her.oh did I forgot to mention she's the new girl in wooden high and meet the cocky Aiden Collins he's arrongant,the so called bad boy of wooden high and the world's biggest player.what happens when he cross ways with the new girl keila.


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They call...
by Bubblereader33