Unraveling Point||B...
By T-misha
  • Romance
  • alliance
  • arrangeddeal
  • business
  • captive
  • desperate
  • domineering
  • don
  • drugs
  • innocent
  • love
  • lovescene
  • lovestory
  • mafia
  • pawn
  • power
  • pregnancy
  • sexscenes
  • toxic
  • vendetta
  • vengeance


Right in the core of her soul, the name "Red Butterfly" flickers like a dying ember. It's a faint reminder of the woman she once was. Does she still remember her true name? Does she remember how to spread her wings and fly, to stay modest and selfless? To forgive and to spare? Or has it been swallowed whole by the darkness that surrounds her? Reunited with the unforgiving world of crime and power, blood and darkness, Xenia must adapt or perish. Salvatore demands nothing less than absolute obedience from his prized protégé. She must learn to endure, to survive, to thrive in the darkness...and to kill. Unfortunately, with each passing day, the memories of her former self slip further away. The brutality, the violence, the dangers and darkness have left their mark, molding her into something new, something darker. Romano was her ray of hope, but that light has long since faded, leaving her to be her own savior. As she grapples with her demons, she must confront the burning question: What does it mean to truly unravel and embody the entirety of her other person? If she could stop her tears, her trembling, her fears, and accept her inner demons, would she eventually break free from her nightmares and soar to new heights? Or would she only give birth to even darker and unrecognizable demons? And if, by some miracle, Romano were to return from the brink of death, would he recognize the woman she has become? Would he applaud her reformation, or would it only serve to drive a wedge between them, tearing apart the fragile threads that bind them together? Xenia is no longer the Red Butterfly; she's the Black Viper. She's no longer an innocent prey, but a predator that feasts on the darkest of souls. And you just might be in the way of her vengeance.

Coming Soon!

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by T-misha