"The past, it informs our future." "Then I'll simply write my present." -- What started as a dying wish to succeed as a hero, flourishes into a journey filled with adventure and passion. Death always seemed to follow on the trail, lurking over her shoulder. Nonetheless, she is determined to keep the people she holds dear safe. Even if it means she has to look over her shoulder, glaring at whom causes her fear. Even if that entails the clock to spin backwards, leaving her face-to-face with a raw past that has the stench of dried marigolds. There are still secrets locked away, relationships yet to be grown, self-discovery yet to be upheld, but all come in time until the moment comes. For this is only the beginning. -- "You could probably change the world with that statement." "My intention exactly." -- I do not own any of the photos (including the cover page) or anything related to My Hero Academia! All rights go to their respective owners, I only own the character I create to portray you, the reader, and any ocs that I may have to include.
Introduction (Please Read!!)
