Questions - Frequen...
By CAKerst
  • Non-Fiction
  • author
  • questions
  • writer


Some questions I get asked so many times in DM's as well as in comments, and it takes a lot of time to answer them all, and with my schedule it's not always possible to get to all my messages and comments, so I have taken the most frequently asked questions and I answer them all here! Some of them I even show in photos! So I hope this gives you a better look into what is going on in my head when I am busy writing, and please feel free to leave a comment in another question you would like to know the answer to. I would happily answer them all in due time. Thank you so much to every reader for reading my books, and also for asking questions. It does show that you really care and also that you connect with my characters and I appreciate it so very much. And please, don't apologize for asking a question. They are long not just my characters anymore. I might have given them life, but you guys have raised them into something amazing. They now belong to all of us!

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by CAKerst