The Dime
By mpaxson
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • family
  • fiction
  • generalfiction
  • neglect
  • teenagers
  • teenfiction


Peter Boynton is turning 16. But his neglectful mother can only muster a "Happy Birthday" as he leaves for school, and his abusive father is sleeping another drunk off. There will be no presents or party for him. Plus, he's the new kid in town, and he hasn't made any friends to celebrate with. After school, he stops at the Northville Five and Dime to buy a candy bar for his only present. While there, he sees a Yankees t-shirt and tries to steal it. Lily Madison, the store's clerk, catches him. She offers him a deal -- take Lily's sister, Sophie, to the end-of-year dance and she won't report him, and will let him keep the shirt. Peter reluctantly accepts the deal, setting off a chain of events that will change the lives of Peter, Lily and Sophie, as they form a social family of support for each other.

Part 1 - Lily

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The Dime
by mpaxson