Pokemon Whisper and...
By Mya_IsNotOnFire
  • Fanfiction
  • pokemon


"Secret and Clamor are always hidden, like most legendary Pokemon are, it's almost impossible to find them" "I'm going to find them! I'll be a better performer than Lily if I have Secret or Clamor with me!" "The next Gym and Contest Challenger is Isla Shimizu from Everblue City!" "We'll plunge the world in eternal darkness, Secret and Clamor are all we need, perhaps a few legendary Pokemon too" "Come on Clamor! We're going to save Secret!" "Hydro Vortex!" "Never Ending Nightmare!" "Gigavolt Havoc!" "Subzero Slammer!" The Ahi Region; A calm yet bustling region that falls old fashioned yet so modern. Pokemon make their homes In the Big Cites, the Deep Oceans, The Tranquil Gorests, and even the Calm Plains. Isla Shimizu has just turned 10 years and is hoping to get chosen for the Gym and Contest Challenge in hopes of reaching the Master Festival. Making friends and greeting Rivals along the way, Young Isla and her Friend Kayla encounter Team Shadow who plan to flood the Earth into Eternal Darkness. It's up to the two girls and some unlikely allies and the For Pokemon Foundation to join together to protect the targeted Legendary and Mythical Pokemon before it's too late

Welcome to Ahi!

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Pokemon W...
by Mya_IsNotOnFire