What is love?
By ildegarne
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • aonoexorcist
  • blueexorcist
  • characterdeath
  • cutting
  • darkthemes
  • darkthoughts
  • depression
  • dépression
  • finished
  • iregretnothing
  • occ
  • oneshot
  • rin
  • rinokumura
  • suicide
  • yukio
  • yukiookumura


After the exwires find out about Rin's biological father they started to ignore, call him names, insult him and even hit him. Rin who was betrayed by his very first decided to become the 'perfect' student and weapon for the Vatican, by hiding his emotions away and doing exactly what his orders demand. But when the pain begin to be too much and that even Yukio starts to abuse him mentally. What will he do? Start to take out his emotions on himself, more specifically on his arms or legs or even his stomach, with a bless dagger he normally use on work. But one day he had enough and only releasing his emotions aren't enough, will he able to stop the pain he had been through forever? Will he able to release the menace he represents as the son of Satan from this world? Or will someone be able to see the pain in those dull lifeless eyes? Warning this contains: - Depression - Cutting - Selfharm - Starvation - Suicide/Suicide thought - Bullying

A/N My reason. The "why this"

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What is l...
by ildegarne