Supposably funny Ca...
By ohstarboytellme
  • Fanfiction
  • acme
  • blacksheep
  • carmen
  • carmensandiego
  • chase
  • crackle
  • devinauex
  • eltopo
  • fanfic
  • graham
  • gray
  • ivy
  • julia
  • lechevre
  • mime
  • mimebomb
  • paperstar
  • player
  • sandiego
  • shadowsan
  • shortchapters
  • tigress
  • vile
  • zack


I feel like the title explains it well enough... Just some short (supposably funny) scenes with the Carmen Sandiego crew. Okaaay... so, this is packed full of CS goodness and has great nutritional value, well, depending on what you classify as nutritional. Be warned, it contains several unordinary things e.g. Disrespectful baguettes, glittery Shadowsan, exploding microwaves etc...(If you are allergic to any of the following I would advise you not to read this) I've tried to make these scenes funny but my humour is... well... umm... you can check it out and be the judge of that. Anyways if you've been put off by the absolute randomness of this description you probably won't like this book so here's the door, feel free to exit🚪 (Although don't feel pressured to leave, It's okay to continue reading even if you despise every second of it) If you do like what you read, feel free to make yourself comfortable and enjoy the remaining duration of the flight. OH YEAH. Btw I also need some inspiration now and again so feel free to drop a request of a scene you'd like me to write. But be warned, I may adapt it or if it seems to be difficult to write I may not write it. Sorry :( HERE HAVE SOME WAFFLES TO CHEER YOU UP 🧇 On the topic of waffle, woaaaaah I literally just waffled so much lol Stuff I've written so far: #1 - YOU DISRESPECTFUL BAGUETTE #2 - I rigged the toaster... #3 - THE COOKIE WAS INNOCENT #4 - C'mon, spill the tea... #5 - I smell Pizza #6 - AH HAH THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT


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by ohstarboytellme