Forever Justice
By AkasunanoRuika
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • crime
  • fbi


A young girl has been abducted for thirteen years by a 36 year old man that goes by the name ToyMaster. He toy’s with his victims and the FBI. The young girl has stopped being searched for a year after she was abducted. Twelve years later a delivery packaged was sent to the FBI, in was the young girl. The FBI goes back to the case ending up with more mail from the ‘ToyMaster’ with more women dead. 5 months later he mysteriously stops. The FBI believes he has committed suicide, but not 25 young male Steven Korger. He believes that the ToyMaster is still out there and wants to look him up for good. So he groups up a party to help him. With Steven Korger as party leader, 36 male Sydney Moniz as Agent Korger’s second man, 20 young female Aaria Hedger as the charming profiler ,19 female Pepper Pawndrice on computers and 15 young male Nikko Foundlar who graduated at the age of 12 and is very intelligent . They call themselves Forever Justice

Forever Justice

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Forever J...
by AkasunanoRuika