KOTLC: Murder At Fo...
By night_owls_assemble
  • Fanfiction
  • biana
  • dex
  • fitz
  • foxfire
  • keefe
  • keefes66
  • kotlc
  • linh
  • murder
  • song
  • sophie
  • tam
  • team
  • âu


Tam is dead. Sophie is shocked: One of my friends died a few months after homecoming and I have no idea why. Who can I trust now? Keefe is uneasy: I should've been there; Tam's dead because of me. We never got along but I'm determined to find out who did it. Biana is devastated: It's my fault that Tam is dead! I shouldn't have been so rude to him. What if he killed himself because of me? Dex is extremely confused: Was the drama at homecoming more serious than I thought? Why would someone want to murder poor Tam? Linh is an emotional mess: My brother is dead and I have no idea why! Why would someone want to kill him? I don't understand. Fitz is intrigued: I'm determined to find out who killed Tam. Whoever did it needs to answer for their crimes. But...who did it? The murderer is smart: Tam got what was coming to him. His big ego is too much for anyone to have to deal with, so everyone should be thankful I got rid of him. Read in order to find out who murdered Tam Song.


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KOTLC: Mu...
by night_owls_assemble