I Lost You Once, NE...
By HinnyLoverTillTheEnd
  • Fanfiction
  • hinny
  • jamespotter
  • jily
  • lilypotter
  • remuslupin
  • returners
  • romione
  • siriusblack
  • themarauders


We all know that Harry Potter has been through a lot, and I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised if something happened that changed his life forever. Just like those little decisions we make, usually think about them while taking a shower, and they can make the whole difference in our life. Like, what if Harry went in another compartment in the Hogwarts Express at the start of his first year? What if Ron didn't seem to like Harry when he saw him and decided to change compartment? What if... What if someone returned to life, while they're known-as-dead? And what if this someone is Harry's parents? What if Voldemort never existed? Wouldn't Harry then be like all the other children his age? But... But there isn't any spell that can bring the dead people back to life! Isn't that what Dumbledore had said? It's magic, and it can surprise you forever with its abilities. What did you expect? It's called magic, my friend, magic. (A FanFic that Voldemort exists and Jily comes back to life. Let me note here that lots of Hinny scenes are in here, big or small. Takes place at Harry's third year.)

Some Writer's Notes For The Story

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I Lost Yo...
by HinnyLoverTillTheEnd