Across the Stars (S...
By calamity-queen
  • Romance
  • anakinskywalker
  • bensolo
  • bobafett
  • cadbane
  • captainrex
  • commandercody
  • commanderwolffe
  • darthmaul
  • dindjarin
  • generalhux
  • hansolo
  • kitfisto
  • kyloren
  • landocalrissian
  • lukeskywalker
  • maul
  • obiwankenobi
  • plokoon
  • poedameron
  • qui-gon
  • savageopress
  • starwars
  • starwarsxreader
  • themandalorian
  • xreader


(A/N: idk what happened but it seems like wattpad just reset the title and description for this story so I've decided to make some changes given that it just randomly reset uwu) Welcome to my collection of Star Wars X Reader stories! Here I'll post some of my X reader insert fics that I post both on tumblr and on AO3 (and some will be wattpad-exclusive too!) I accept requests! At first, this was just a male character x fem! or gn! reader collection, but I have decided that I will start writing for our wonderful Star Wars ladies as well! (these can be female! reader or gender neutral! reader) I feel like I can write for the majority of characters now, but there are some characters that I WILL NOT write for. They are: -Palpatine -Yoda -Yaddle -General Grevious -Snoke -Chewbacca -Mother Talzin (ive never seen anything for her but i'm not taking chances) -Aurra Sing Please don't hesitate to send in a request! But when you do, try to keep the NSFW requests in the NSFW prompt section, for people that don't want to see it.

Prompts (SFW)

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Across th...
by calamity-queen