By kittyBTSarmy2341
  • Fanfiction
  • babyboykink
  • babygirlkink
  • boyxboyxboy
  • daddykink
  • hhoseok
  • jeonjungkook
  • jin
  • kimtaehyung
  • nnamjoon
  • oppakink
  • parkjimin
  • polyrelationship
  • threesome
  • yyoongis


[DISCONTINUED] Taehyung: Is a sassy, rich, girly boy , who is always looking gorgeous as ever. Comes to a new high school after a breakup and that high school is named "BigHit" high school. Although he is a sassy bitch when u get to know him he is actually a cute wittle baby boy. And as soon as he steps in side his new high school everyone falls head over heels for him and popularity washes over him like a wave as he becomes one of the most popular people in his new high school within a day and that catches a eye of the most popular people in BigHit The One And Only The.... Jikook couple. Which also catches the eye of kim taehyung as both of them is extremely buff and the tall one just SCREAMS daddy

Ep1 Introduction

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by kittyBTSarmy2341