That Night, My Hear...
By chachabook1600
  • Fantasy
  • darkdoom
  • dr
  • eclipsethedarkling
  • eggmabnivorobotnik
  • gaystory
  • geralrobotnik
  • manicthehedgehog
  • mariarobitnik
  • queenaleenathehedgehog
  • shadic
  • shadowthehedgehog
  • sonadow
  • soniathehedgehog
  • sonicthehedgehog


Once Upon A Time, there were two kingdom seperated by thier own elements the light and the darkness, for thousand year these two kingdoms were in fight until the Queen Aleena and the King Doom decide to end this unnecessery war and decide to make a alliance, by respecting the tradition by chossing one of thier child of each kingdom so the peace could finally restore peace between the two kingdoms and the two worlds Each of Queen Allena and King Doom have 3 kids, 2 son and daughter, Prince Shadow, Prince Eclipse and Princess Maria for the Doom Royal Familly and for the Aleena Royal Family, she have triple, there's Prince Manic, Princess Sonia and last Prince still without a name yet Everything went perfectly until one New Kingdom decide to join the party bring him the destruction and the death to both of the Kingdoms causing A terrible event What would

Once Upon A Time

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That Nigh...
by chachabook1600