In a world where strange abilities exist, a young man acquires the power to turn anything he wishes into gold- a power that represents his inner greed. Rising up in the world and climbing up the ranks to be his own boss of a team of carefully selected members, the man known as Midas is a cunning force to be reckoned with and perhaps one of if not the most powerful man in the world. Greedy for heads as much as he is for money, he has a whole trophy wall dedicated to the fallen agents that had suffered under his golden touch. But when he meets the pure and innocent Rosemary "Rosie" Black who has no evil desire in her heart, he wonders what makes the girl want to so desperately be involved in the agency that has sacrificed and killed lives in a never ending war. His world is a dangerous one and he is not a nice man, but he can't help but be tempted to taint her with his touch. And likewise, she can't help but be drawn to the man who has a heart of gold deep down. Highest Rankings: #1 in cynical #2 in Midas #22 in backstory (Story will have two parts plus bonus chapters! This is a "x OC." This fanfic will contain theories, plenty symbolism, some explicit scenes but mostly a suspenseful plot, and dark content for some such as violence and angst. Nothing is canon! It's a spy, real world AU and basically like a first draft of an original novel. This will have a happy ending for all the fans out there because Midas deserves one T-T. I try to update frequently. Cover art was not done by me! Pic was gotten off of google. Credit goes to artist!)