I wrote several of these poems after I watched the inspired film 'Labyrinth of Lies' (I recommend everyone watch it), and after learning about the Holocaust at my own school. The film and my current education, challenged and reinforced my knowledge of the Holocaust. I think all types of readings and meaning can be applied to these texts, and I strongly urge all readers to leave constructive criticism. I believe the Holocaust should not only be remembered, but thoroughly revised throughout all education units so we may be able to understand as human beings, how to not be complicit in acts of hate, and how to not allow members of society to be consumed by unfounded hatred. I also wrote some of the poems entirely confused, angry and also at a peace of mind. I write solely for the purpose of understanding my own thoughts, and putting my mind on paper. I hope they inspire your thoughts, but just remember I'm an amateur writer and thought I would share with whoever took it upon themselves to read :) also if your reading this and there is only one poem, its because I'm slightly afraid to share the others and hopefully as time progresses they will come.