Dance to the beat o...
By _FandomLover332_
  • Fanfiction
  • bnha
  • class1a
  • dadmight
  • dadzaiwa
  • dancer
  • dancerizuku
  • dearevenhansen
  • games
  • hackerizuku
  • izukuiscute
  • izukuisscary
  • katsukibakugo
  • music
  • popularyoutubemusic
  • quirks
  • sadizuku
  • shototodoroki
  • singerizuku
  • sixthemusical
  • strongizuku


Izuku Midoriya never had a normal Childhood. He was bullied by the kids at school, losing his only friend but he lost his freedom of choice as well. Izuku's mother. Inko Midoriya, took his dreams of being a hero and threw them out the window and forced him to do things that she wants. All because he is 'Quirkless'. But the age of fourteen Izuku had been acting different, he was more tired and blunt then chipper and happy. Katsuki Bakugo grew curious of Izuku's behaviour, but when he hears Izuku talking on his cell after school he grew worried at the lack of emotion the teen shown. When a Villain takes Izuku hostage Katsuki rushes to save him, fate also seemed to have plans for the teens. When Izuku snaps at his mother, Katsuki and a hero rushed to calm the greenette just to learn a secret that he had kept quiet over the years. Things were looking up for Izuku as he and Katsuki take their first steps together on the road of being heroes. Going to UA is their first step into a world of crazy.

The Start

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Dance to...
by _FandomLover332_