The Titan Of Neverl...
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • aot
  • armin
  • attackontitan
  • crossover
  • demons
  • emma
  • eren
  • erwin
  • escape
  • fanfiction
  • leviackerman
  • longstory
  • mikasa
  • neverland
  • norman
  • ray
  • shingekinokyojin
  • snk
  • survival
  • thepromisedneverland
  • tpn
  • yakusokunoneverland
  • ynn


Spoiler warning! This book is not free of spoilers This book now has an ongoing rewritten version, if you read the original, thank you for reading, but I assure you that the rewritten one will be better and easier to understand instead of me just randomly throwing in ideas. D.A.N.G E.R. M.O.N.S.T.E.R. F.A.R.M. T.R.U.T.H. P.R.O.M.I.S.E. H.A.R.V.E.S.T. D.O.U.B.T. R. U. N. . . . ----------------------------- "Hey Eren, do you know the place called The Demon World?" "Hm? No, no I don't." "My grandpa told me some stories about it, he said it has intelligent and non-intelligent demons feeding on humans for their-" "Eren, Armin, its time to train." "Sorry Armin, let's talk about it later" "Alright" The Demon World, a place full of demons, intelligent or not, feeding on humans for their brains, at least, that's what the elderly would say to their children to spook them out or such. Does the place exist? Do demons exist? Do they really feed on humans? Are they real? Read the book on what will happen to the shiganshina trio when they stumbled into a world of Neverland, by who? Who sent them there? Why were they there? Were they there to help them? Who else were transported there? But really..... Is this only a crossover between two worlds? ----------------------------- Hi this is the first story I'm writing, if possible you can point out my mistakes and give me some tips to improve ^- ^ This book will take place in the world of The Promised Neverland and will be following the manga (some part as well for aot), I may edit the events in the manga for the story, so there may be some confusing parts in the story. The characters, art, and others belong to their respective owners. The only things mine are going to be mentioned. Highest Rankings: Aug. 29 2020- #1 in shingekinokyojin Sept. 15 2020- #3 in tpn Sept. 26 2020- #2 in ynn Dec. 17 2020- #13 in escape


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