Together We Rise (A...
By VantaRoses
  • Fanfiction
  • anon
  • anonymous
  • chaos
  • emotionalrollercoaster
  • justice
  • mystery
  • paralleluniverse
  • specops
  • strength
  • unity


I notice a few girls whispering and talking about this tall man with dreads who has an anonymous patch on his gear. One of them goes up and talked to them which is already risky but becomes more dangerous when they asked the next question. "What's your name?" a protester asked "They can't give you that, anonymous are here to protect us and by them talking to you and showing their hair they are already too exposed and it will be easier for this one *points to them* to be discovered. You like this one? Protect them at all costs, avoid asking names, admire from afar, create what you think they may look like in a story or something but do not pry too much, please. This video will be damaging enough when you upload it, even out of admiration" I stated seriously The protester nodded showing she understood and went back over to her friends to continue marching. "*looks over to the anonymous person* Stop talking to people and cover your hair next time. Whether you wanted to be a leader of this movement or not you are one now, and you're no good if you are in jail for being reckless at this time"

Chapter 1

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by VantaRoses