Evelyn (Fantastic B...
By Rei_Gio
  • Fanfiction
  • fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem
  • halfangel
  • newt
  • newtscamander
  • newtxoc
  • queenie
  • tina
  • ốc


Evelyn Mirabelle is a Hufflepuff who loves creatures. Her family is said to have a special history. There is something special about their blood. It is said that her ancestor, Evelyn Rosette Mirabelle, whom Evelyn was named after, had caught the eye of an angel who had visited the earth that time. The angel fell in love with her, fell from heaven for her and married her and they had a daughter who was half wizard and half angel. In every generation, a beautiful baby girl is born with pristine white feathery wings and snow white hair and Evelyn was the chosen one. Not many people know of her families eccentricities and thus the need to hide the wings of the chosen was born. What will happen if Evelyn is accidentally seen by her fellow hufflepuff? What will Newt Scamander do with this knowledge? Most importantly, what will Evelyn do when she sees him again in New York city?


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Evelyn (F...
by Rei_Gio