For a kid, school is a form of torture but for me it was a blessing. Before I used to take out my anger on my stuffed toys, but now I could take it out on people! Thinking that Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are two different people made me dumb. That's what I thought before I started going to a public School. I was homeschooled till the age of 10. I found out there were dumbasses who thought that gay people had a different body part. This was 7 years back. Had a step mother who was a bitch and a dad who was a slave of that bitch.Now that's a perfect life. My real mother left me when I was a kid, so for me she was a bitch too.Never saw her since I was 6 and I didn't want to see her pictures either. Nobody was ever mean to me or anything but they thought keeping distance from me would save them from breaking anything or having a bleeding nose. It all started when one of the boys made fun of me and I smashed his face against the door.Don't remember what he said. I thought that what I did to him was wrong but it was before he got me suspended . I also chopped a girl's hair in 7 grade.Can't really remember what she did too.People say I've got issues. Despite of all this,not everyone thinks I am crazy .My one and only friend, Tom has been with me for years now even after I called up his mother and told her that he was run over by a car after a silly fight with him. I know I am not a good person but who cares ,no one is! I am a piece of shit in this shitty world where saying ' you are looking stunning ' means that you are looking like shit'. Maybe I really have got issues but I still don't give a fuck .I can at least beat the shit out of people if they mess with me.
The Stolen Car